Thursday, December 29, 2011

just to remember

I love the way...

the boys played on the computer today, each in charge of manning one key, so they could all play the computer game together, fairly. I didn't even say a word, they were doing it when I walked up.

Ethan took Eliza at the aquarium at Sea World today and showed her all the fish and helped her up and down the areas she could not get to on her own. Also he would point to each fish and shark with her and ooh and ahh over it with her.

Eliza smells her stinky monkey's tail.

Mason thoughtfully shared the dippin' dots he'd earned, by riding the roller coaster at Sea World, with his older brother (and all of us) who had not ridden the roller coaster.

Dave has turned into Mr. Fix-it. Wow, he really has.

Isaac found a Lego and a penny on the ground and thoughtfully gave them to a grateful brother, Mason. Then Mason told me "Isaac is the best brother ever! Isn't he so nice?!!"

Eliza laughs deeply, and squeals, and points and pulls to let you know what she wants.

Mason gave his last drink of Egg Nog to Ethan who had already drinken a full cup.

Ethan wrapped his arm around Mason's shoulders and took him through the crowd to see the the fish feeding at the aquarium. (And how when I complimented Ethan on taking good care of his brothers and sisters, and being the best brother he said, "Well, I learned it from you.")

Isaac told me tonight that he loved to make me laugh, and then kept trying his hardest to do silly, funny things to hear me laugh more.

Dave really helps me cook, and clean, and care for our children, happily. And he's so good at it too. (And I'm talking serious help here, not just a little deed here and there, but full on back to back grocery shopping trips to Costco and Wal-Mart done in record speed together, using hours of his days off to help me thoroughly clean the house, and he's even made our home ground, home made bread lately which has turned out amazing! I am really enjoying the team work.)

Ethan said that it was "the BEST Christmas EVER!" because he got 5 new stuffed pet raccoons.

Isaac says that Eliza is so cute, and that "when she grows up she is going to be a heartbreaker, with those big chocolatey eyes."

Dave is my best friend, and we're so happy we've found alot of great PG movies to watch together recently, and that he is a "modified vegan" aka, " you are vegan, but you can eat meat and dairy whenever you want to."

Eliza blows kisses, waves her hand in the air by her nose to say "stinky," and how she always loads on all of my necklaces and jewelry in my closet.

Mason is so cheerful, so happy, so laughy, so positive, so loveable.

Isaac and Ethan pray for poor people in their prayers. And Ethan is always so grateful in his prayers, including the trampoline, the neighbor kids, having a car to drive around in, and always, always, he tops it off by giving thanks for "most of all my family."

Eliza points to things and emphasizes it by leaning her head to her shoulder, and how she puts her two pudgy hands together and shrugs her shoulders to say "all gone."

The boys have gotten so good at unloading the dishwasher together, and help eachother with their certain duties until they are all done.

Isaac talks about wanting to better himself by eating healthy, exercising, and being a good boy.

Mason at various times would just run up from nowhere and wrap his arms around my legs for a big hug after I'd been gone to NY with Dave for a few days. He missed me!

Dave and I still laugh alot together.

Today Mason said we should name the baby in my belly Ethox, and then he changed it to Kathox. Usually he wants to name him Cody, so we can call him Code (for spying) or Cody.

Life has good spells. And we are definitely in one now. Loving it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are still my inspiration. i strive to one day have a home and family like yours. i had no clue you were preggers again. some friend i am...
