Monday, May 17, 2010

pretty bowls

These were my Christmas gift from Dave's Mom. They are original painted Pyrex bowls from the 40's. Love 'em! For my birthday she found me matching casserole dishes from around the same era.


Jean McKendrick said...

Wow, how'd she find those? They are in perfect shape.
Very cute.

LJABC and D said...

I'm so excited you are back in the blogging world!! Those bowls are beautiful. I love old pyrex and the original fiesta ware

Kellie said...

What a nice MIL! Those bowls are so cute. So doing a lot of catch up, your boys sound so sweet. I LOVE Ethan... his comments and prayers are just to die for! I can't believe how strong you are! I can't believe you've been raising those boys for 3 weeks at a time and didn't go bonkers. I can hardly do it with a husband around... You are so positive and happy and fun, and I can see it all through your writing. I love and miss you. Oh, did you find out if you're having a boy or girl? Didn't find that post, so maybe it's a surprise??? Hang in there, you're doing great!